Monsta Infinite is coming to Binance later this year


Monsta Infinite Monster Card Battle Game is a win-win game on Binance Smart Chain, inspired by Axie Infinity. The developers describe their project as a cheaper alternative to Axie Infinity, but the game is not over yet. The developers want to release a trial version of the game later this year.

Give me a moment to explain the game a little. In Monsta Infinite there are small Monstas, creatures that live in an area called Shani and in a time before the dinosaurs. Despite this, there is a catastrophic threat, Jilaka. Because, they have summoned the Inception Monsta to save them. Those are the creatures that you can collect in the game and, Through the game, players can earn a resource called Stamen Tellus.

Apart from the cute creatures and the payout tokens, the comparison with Axie Infinity ends there. Monsta Infinite combines a turn-based card battle system with match-3 puzzles. Despite this, the developers have created a competitive game out of this.

Monsta Infinite Roadmap

A minigame is scheduled to launch at the end of September, followed by the NFT market in mid-October. Real game alpha testing will begin in November, followed by a beta one month later. Monsta Infinite will have its public release somewhere in early 2022.

Later, the team wants to introduce more game functions, add terrestrial NFTs and, decidedly, introduce a running game. Take a look at your roadmap.

MONI makes the world go round

Monsta Infinite uses the MONI token, a token by gobernanza in Binance Smart Chain. MONI holders can claim rewards by wagering their tokens, playing the game or participating in key governance votes. The developers also make it possible for players to earn MONI by playing various games in the Monsta Infinite Universe., which suggests they have more plans up their sleeve.

Quienes estén interesados ??en la venta privada, they can contact [email protected] The MONI token pre-sale will take place on 8 September and the token's presale price has been set at $ 0,15. The 15 September they will do a second round of the presale.

The Monsta Infinite token will also be launched via the Binance Launchpad, according to the official web portal. There is a total supply of tokens from 270 millions, while 29,7 millions of tokens will be on the market after the presale. From that moment on, Additional MONI will hit the market through a gambling game to win, betting rewards.

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