DeFi Land Announces Seed Sale


DeFi Land, a decentralized financial project that works as an agricultural simulator, announced a seed sale in January 2022. Users buy Seeds and farm NFTs to use in the game, which is expected to introduce games to win mechanics in February. Now in public beta, DeFi Land continues to expand and improve its ambitious project.

DeFi Land wants to merge gaming with everything on the blockchain to help facilitate and educate what can sometimes be a nebulous and confusing process.. And that philosophy even carries over to their next NFT sale..

a home for ducks

You don't just buy and own an NFT with this seed sale. Instead, players buy DeFi Land Seeds. Owners stake and block their seeds for 30 days to grow NFTs. But this is not just a process of bet and forget. Players must take care of their seeds and water them daily. Irrigation requires the token $DFL. Seed owners who do not stake will still receive an NFT, but only the most common option. Seeds that get more attention and water have a higher chance of producing NFTs of higher rarity and maybe even multiples!!

Details about NFTs have yet to be revealed. But we do know that there will be five different levels of outcomes. We also know that they will be NFT básicos, integral part of the game to win mechanics soon to be released. These are things like tools and buildings that will have various upgrade options..

The exact date and costs of this seed sale will be announced soon..

DeFi Land Game Screenshots

What is Defi Land?

DeFi Land is a project on the Solana blockchain that wants to “gamify every product and service in the crypto industry”. It started with decentralized finance (defi). And DeFi Land, players not only deposit their coins and tokens in “farms” and reap the revenue. Instead, they enter a game interface and convert their coins into seeds, which must then be grown on the game farm.

Visit the Seed Lab to provide liquidity and receive LP tokens in the form of seeds. plant the seeds. The seeds grow and provide yields!, which the player can harvest for more seeds! The game also offers an educational mode for newcomers so they can practice and learn about defi before using their real money. It's technically free though., users must pay a small fee in SOL to register their wallet. AND, of course, if you really want to participate in the liquidity pools, you will need real funds for that.

Unlike other projects, DeFi Land has only one token, DFL (DeFi Land token), which functions as a governance token and in-game currency. The team also plans to implement a participation group for DFL.

Public beta is now underway, and the first play to win mechanics is expected to be in February. NFT owners can earn $ DFL and other resources.

The game features buildings for trading tokens and other built-in features. DeFi Land recently partnered with Audius to place a radio tower in the world that allows users to stream and listen to music while gaming.. That's great and it's a great showcase of cross-app functionality!!

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