MegaCube mining game comes to Decentraland


Game studio Polygonal Mind is bringing its multiplayer mining game MegaCube to Decentraland. The studio wants to release the game, in which players can win all kinds of prizes, the 1 from January. MegaCube will allow multiple players to click and “extract” awards at the same time, but only one person can claim each prize.

The developers will place a gigantic cube inside Decentraland. Players will have to cut smaller cubes, eliminating cover by cover. Among the smaller cubes there are all kinds of smaller prizes, but at the core of the MegaCube there is a great prize. “The person who manages to win that final prize will start on 2021 With good feet", said game developer Daniel “ToxSam” García to Play to Earn.

Garcia has been thinking about the concept of MegaCube for many months, but Decentraland still did not offer the necessary functionality for such a multiplayer experience. Despite this, now yes. The developer was inspired by British game designer Peter Molyneux, who launched an equivalent experience, titled Curiosity, on mobile phones at 2012.

With Curiosity, months passed before someone reached the final cube, but the winner never received his award. MegaCube is doing things differently thanks to the power of the blockchain. Players will automatically win prizes without the need to email developers.
"I'm not so sure about the end of the MegaCube", Garcia said. It can be weeks, days or hours. It all depends on the number of players who show up.

Challenge accepted! ?

Many projects at Polygonal Mind

During the last months, we've covered quite a bit of Polygonal Minds news. Since the launch of Crypto Avatars, until the Dethrone announcement. According to Daniel García, the studio is working on nine different projects at the same time.

“We have nine projects underway at the moment”, said. MegaCube is just one of the recently revealed projects, while Dethrone is scheduled to launch soon.

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